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Great Valley Community Organization

Tackle Football

Fall 2024 Football

Students in Great Valley and surrounding school districts, students from other public or private schools and home-schooled students are invited to join! GVFL is a member of the Inter County Football League.

See our News & Updates page, join our Facebook page and follow us on Instagram.

GVFL Teams play in grade-based systems:

Players will be assigned teams based on the grade entering in Fall of 2024. If you have any questions about which team your child should be on, contact league president, Josh Willey at [email protected].


Football is considered one of the most rewarding yet demanding of all little league sports. Therefore, it requires a strong commitment to the program. The success of the program is driven by the level of support delivered by our coaches, players, parents, volunteers and the community. As a Great Valley Junior Patriot, your child will learn the following:

  • the rules of football
  • the proper tackling and blocking techniques
  • the importance of good sportsmanship
  • the rewards of hard work
  • the benefits of being on a team

Parent Commitment:

GVFL tackle is 100% run by volunteers. As parents, you will be asked and expected to volunteer throughout the season. In addition, as members of the Inter-County Football League, we are held to a high standard of conduct on the field and the sidelines. Both players and parents must sign a code of conduct and will be held accountable.

All Coaches are USA Football Certified:

The Junior Patriots are highly committed to player safety. Our coaches are properly trained and certified by USA Football to provide the best development experience in our players, while reducing the risk of injuries. We teach Heads Up Footballâ„ , the new standard for football leagues that is focused on four key areas:

  • coach education
  • safe tackling
  • concussion awareness
  • proper equipment fitting

This teaching model provides our coaches with the right materials and teaching techniques for different age groups.

Child Safety is Our Priority. All coaches, assistant coaches and volunteers in direct contact with players have completed a criminal background check and child abuse clearances.


Uniforms and Equipment:

All Tackle players will receive a helmet, chin strap, shoulder pads, leg pads, practice jersey, game jersey, and game pants. Parents need to provide cleats (molded rubber), colored mouthpiece (not clear), football girdle, athletic supporter and cup.

Physical Exam:

Each tackle football player is required to have a physical exam completed by a physician before practicing with the team. This is done at the expense of the parent/guardian. Physicals must be dated after 1/1/2024 and returned no later than the first day of practice.

Practice & Games:

Teams will practice at Great Valley Middle School.

Practice begins the first week of August and will at least 4 days a week. Once school starts, practice is held two times each week in the evenings, plus a pre-game walk-thru. It is imperative that every child commit to this schedule for the team to run fairly and efficiently. Team practice will be determined by the coaches once the rosters and coaching assignments are finalized.

We play an eight-game schedule (not including playoffs). In addition, some teams may play a scrimmage. Games are on Saturdays or Sundays. Home games are played at the Great Valley High School stadium. Away games are played at other Inter-County Football League conference team locations.


At the end of the regular season, 5th and 6th grade teams will be eligible for ICFL playoffs.